Voluntary Internship in Romania: Let The Planet Breath

The campaign "Let The Planet Breath" is focused on planting seeds to reforest Romania's forests, due to excessive logging and overexploitation of natural resources so that the forests have more trees and we have a cleaner environment.

We traveled to the country of Romania, it's located on the continent of Europe and we chose the plane as transportation.  We chose the hotel called Green Village because it has green areas and this helps us with our environmental practice program.

Romania has a temperate climate, like the northeastern United States, with four distinct seasons. The hottest areas in summer are the lowlands in southern and eastern Romania where 100 °F is often reached in July and August. Winters can be cold, especially in the mountains.

Here we have planted trees in the streets, we´ve collected garbage from the streets, also we have just collected cigarette butts, we have grown many vegetables in a vegetable patch. We´ve recycled plastic bottles, cardboard, and aluminum.

In the next few days, we´re going to construct a new protected area establishment in which we going to be involved in a variety of activities, also we´re going to gathering field data, we´re going to consulting with local communities, we´re going to building infrastructure support.
